How to run kubernetes cluster “local-test” locally
This guide provides step-by-step instructions to run the kubernetes cluster named “local-test” locally. It covers the process of updating FluxCD code, committing changes, and deploying the cluster.
Step 1: Navigate to the local-test
cluster directory
First, go to the directory od local-test
cd deploy/clusters/local-test
Step 2: Run the task command
Execute the task command to prepare the environment.
Step 3: Deploy the cluster
Run the following command to deploy the cluster.
Step 4: Update FluxCD code
To update FluxCD code, commit and push changes to your remote Git branch. Use the `–force-with-lease option for safe updates.
git add .
git commit -m "feat: update FluxCD configuration"
git push
# Or
git commit --amend --no-edit
git push --force-with-lease
Step 5: Wipe and re-deploy the cluster (if needed)
If you need to wipe and re-deploy the cluster, run the following command:
task deploy -f
task deploy -f
Now you run the kubernetes cluster “local-test” locally and updated the FluxCD code.